Saturday, February 2, 2008


'Heart of Reeds' by Chris Drury
- Manières d'agir pour demain: Environ(ne)ment: Approaches for Tomorrow. Gilles Clément and Philippe Rahm.
- Arch. Andy Goldsworthy and David Craig.
- Song of the Earth. Mel Gooding and William Furlong.
- Ecovention: Current Art to Transform Ecologies. Sue Spaid.

'Heart of Reeds' sketches by Chris Drury
- The Spell of the Sensuous. David Abram.
- A Natural History of the Senses. Diane Ackerman.
- The Essene Way Biogenic Living. Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.
- Ways of Seeing. John Berger.
- Backroad Mapbook of Montréal, Laurentians. Christine Butt and Jason Marleau.
- Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. Annie Dillard.
- The Living. Annie Dillard.
- The Complete Vegetable and Herb Gardener. Karan Davis Cutler.
- The Urban Gardener. Sonia Day.
- A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants and Herbs of Eastern and Central N. America. Steven Foster and James A. Duke.
- Art Nature Dialogues: Interviews with Environmental Artists. John K. Grande.
- Balance: Art and Nature. John K. Grande
- Dialogues in Diversity: Art from Marginal to Mainstream. John K. Grande.
- Intertwining: Landscape, Technology, Issues, Artists. John K. Grande.
- Giants: The Colossal Trees of Pacific North America.
- Successful Cold Climate Gardening. Lewis Hill.
- The Collingridge Encyclopedia of Gardening. Arthur Hellyer.
- Empty Harvest: Understanding the Link Between Our Food, Our Immunity, and Our Planet. Dr. Bernard Jensen and Mark Anderson.
- Sacred Art of the Earth. Maureen Korp.
- Survival into the 21st Century: Planetary Healer's Manual. Viktoras Kulvinskas.
- Le Jardinage Bio: Petit Guide-Mémoire du Potager Santé. Danièle Laberge.
- Reading Pictures: What We Think About When We Look at Art. Alberto Manguel.
- Montréal et Environs, Deluxe Edition. Les Publications MapArt.
- Caught in the Act: An Anthology of Performance Art by Canadian Women. Tanya Mars and Johanna Householder.
- The Cook's Garden: Growing and Using the Best-Tasting Vegetable Varieties. Shepherd and Ellen Ogden.
- How to Grow and Enjoy the Best of Summer's Bounty. Liz Primeau.
- Directory of Artist-Run Centres in Québec and Canada. Regroupement des Centres d'Artistes Autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ), ed. 6th edition.
- Natural Architecture: Alessandro Rocca
- The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen's Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear. Paul Rogat Loeb.
- The Guerilla Art Kit. Keri Smith.
- Land Art. Gilles A. Tiberghien, ed.
- Guerilla Gardening: A Manualfesto. David Tracey.
- Hildegaard's Healing Plants: From her Medieval Classic Physica. Hildegaard Von Bingen.
- Land and Environmental Art. Brian Wallace and Jeffrey Kastener, ed.
- Leaves of Grass. Walt Whitman.

'Wave Chamber' sketch and Installation by Chris Drury